Upcoming Events.
The event calendar provides an overview and registration links to upcoming Diversity and Inclusion & Equity engagement opportunities, and highlights recommended programs and events outside of Berklee.
Click an event in the calendar or the listing below to learn more and register.
Workplace Safety Starts with Your Contract: Negotiation Skills and Tips
Join the Equity Team and Calling All Crows to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The session will be facilitated by Calling All Crows organizer, Kim Warnick, and assistant professor in the Music Business/Management Department, Valerie Lovely.
Bystander Intervention and the Role of the Responsible Employee
Learn how you can help build a safer and more inclusive community of learning and working at Berklee.
Open to Faculty, Staff
Debunking the Myths: Learn Your Equity and Title IX Rights & Resources
Debunking the Myths provides a walk through of what you need to know about recent Title IX and Equity policy changes, what your rights and options are under these policies, and what resources are available to help you.
Open to Students , Faculty, & Staff
Consent in the Time of COVID
Consent in the Time of COVID will offer strategies around navigating boundaries and the intersections of consent as it relates to COVID safety, relationships, and sexual activity, acknowledging in-person and virtual/online communication.
Open to Students
Trauma-Informed Approaches to Supporting Survivors of Sexual and Relationship Violence
Learn about campus resources for survivors of sexual and relationship violence, how to make referrals, and how best to support someone who has experienced trauma within the context of your role as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Open to Faculty, Staff
Swipe Right: Creating Healthy Relationships in a Virtual World
The Swipe Right workshop will discuss ways to imagine, create, and/or strengthen positive, healthy, and safe relationships.
Open to Students